Sunday, 25 March 2012

Ancillary Task - Forum

We decided to come up with the idea of using a forum as a way to gather people to talk about the 'upcoming release' of Taylor Swift's Greatest Hits, we decided on a forum instead of a website because Taylor Swift already has a official one. Forums are often used for people to talk about their interests in films, music etc with other people. They often link others to articles or videos on YouTube about their chosen topic.

We thought it may be a good idea for us to create a forum specifically for Taylor Swift, this way fans can gather to talk and discuss all things Taylor Swift. We decided on designing different categories for the fans. One is General Board, this is where fans would post anything that is related to Taylor. Another is about Taylor's acting career, Taylor has acted in a few small projects, which there is a seperate thread for each. A third is of course Taylor's Music Career, here there is each a board to discuss each album of Taylor's, including the Greatest Hits album.

Inside the section of 'Taylor Swift's Greatest Hits' there are already several topics about the album, such as the released tracklisting and the cover art. The Forum has been made available for any member of the forum to post anything they wish relating to the new album. This could be a link to an article written about the release or the cover art etc.

There is also a comment feature on the forum, this allows other fans to gather and discuss about their thoughts and opinions on Taylor's new music or anything topic-worthy.

Here is a link to the forum we have created: Taylor Swift Forum

Though fans would have to log in to the forum or make an account to access the information or make a post themselves, by searching for the forum through a search engine, it allows fans to find it easier, the forum would also be advertised on Taylor Swift's official website.


Website Link:

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