Sunday, 18 March 2012

Preparing For Our Advert

We decided to film our Energy Saving Lightbulb advert is several different locations, including our own homes and our school. We planned to have a montage of lights flickering on and light switches being switched on, so for this we wanted as many different lights and switches we could find, to have a wide range.

We decided, when planning our advert that we wanted to have some sort of an impact on the audience, we thought that slowing down a lightbulb smashing into the ground may have some effect since we were promoting energy saving. To film this shot we used a Slow Motion Camera and to prepare for smashing the lightbulb, we covered the ground with a sheet to make sure to catch any broken shards of glass once the bulb was smashed.

Once we had covered the pavement with a large sheet, we practised several times throwing a stone that was similar in size, to see where it would land, we wanted to get the perfect angle whilst it broke. We also wanted the camera to be steady, whilst practising we realised the shot was not steady enough and so we made sure to prop the camera up.

This is our practice try;

This is our trial run with the lightbult, we threw it gently so that it wouldn't smash;

For health and safety reasons, we made sure that we did a thorough job when cleaning up the broken shards of glass, careful not to leave any existing pieces behind.

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